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Printer Driver Errors
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Written by PDF2XL Support
Updated over a week ago
  • Internal error 2002/2006: The temporary folder is not set in the registry

  • Internal error 15031: Check that the customer purchased the correct upgrade/update

  • Internal error 2024: The folder exists but is not writable for the current user.


  • Click the Start button and select “Run”.

  • In the box, write %temp% and press OK. An explorer window should open.

  • Select the Address of this folder (that's the box on top ‐ it should be something like c:\documents and settings\aaa\bbb) and use the copy command.

  • Close the explorer window.

  • Click the start button and select “Run”.

  • Type in regedit and press OK. The Registry editor application should start.

  • On the right side of the application, you should see a few items. One of them should be called Temp. Select it and use the Modify command from the Edit menu to open the Edit String dialog.

  • Select all the text in the string, right‐click, and select “Paste”. This should replace the data there with the Address of the temporary folder you copied in step 3.

  • Press OK in the dialog. The data of the Temp value in on the right pane should change to the new address.

  • Close the registry editor

  • PDF2XL Enterprise Internal Printer Error 2017


PDF2XL‐Enterprise printer driver will spew out an internal error 2017 if the application executable path is not set in the registry, or if it is set to a bad value.

The responsible value is in the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cogniview\PDF2XL and is named “Path”.

If it's not there, create it and put the path to the application there.

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