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1607 InstallShield
PDF2XL Support avatar
Written by PDF2XL Support
Updated over a week ago

What is a 1607 InstallShield error?

This is a Windows installation issue and, unfortunately, not something that developers at CogniView are able to correct.

This problem may occur if one of the following conditions is true ( From:

  • You run the Setup program from a virtual drive created through the subst command.

  • The driver IDriver.exe is not registered correctly.

  • The installer Msiexec.exe is not registered correctly.

  • The user account does not have permission to access the C:\Windows\Installer folder.

  • An older version of the Windows Installer engine was installed from a network drive that is no longer available.

  • The user account does not have permission to install software on the computer.

  • Another instance of Msiexec.exe is running.

  • Another Windows Installer-based Setup program is running.

  • The Windows OS is damaged.

Microsoft has provided the methods below to resolve this issue.

Rename the InstallShield folder

  1. In File Explorer , open the following folder: DRIVE \Program Files\Common Files\

  2. Right-click the Installshield folder, and then click Rename.

  3. Type InstallShield1, and then press ENTER.

  4. Try to install PDF2XL.

Locate and then close the files

To resolve this problem, locate, and then close the Idriver.exe and Msiexec.exe files. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Task Manager (type "task manager" on the start screen and click on the Task Manager icon).

  2. On the Processes tab, locate idriver.exe and msiexec.exe.

  3. Select each instance of both processes, and then click End Process.

  4. Click End Process on each Windows Task Manager window that opens.

  5. Close the Task Manager.

Install PDF2XL in clean boot state and check if any other services or programs are leading to this issue.

Reinstall the InstallScript engine

To reinstall the InstallScript engine from InstallShield Developer, follow these steps:

  1. Download the file. To do this, visit the InstallShield Web site.

  2. Extract the file.

  3. Double-click the isscript.msi file.

Running Setup from a virtual driver

If you are running the Setup program from a virtual drive created by using the SUBST command, you can delete the virtual drive and instead run the Setup program from the physical hard disk. To delete the virtual drive, click Start, click Run, type subst drive_letter: /d, and then click OK.

Register Idriver and Msiexec

To register Idriver and Msiexec, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\<version number>\Intel 32\IDriver.exe" /REGSERVER, and then click OK.Note: The <version number> varies in different computers. It depends on the version of the InstallScript engine.

  2. Click Start, click Run, type C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /REGSERVER, and then click OK.

Change Permissions

Log on to the Windows computer with an administrator user account, and verify that you have the correct permissions for the C:\Windows\Installer folder. Follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, click All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.

  2. Click Folder Options on the Tools menu.

  3. Click the View tab.

  4. Click Show hidden files and folders, and then click OK.

  5. Locate the folder C:\Windows\Installer.

  6. Right-click the Installer folder, and then click Properties.

  7. Click the Security tab.

  8. Click System, and then verify that the Full control check box is selected.

  9. Click Administrators, and then verify that the Full control check box is selected.

  10. Click your user name, and then verify that the Full control check box is selected.

Reinstall Windows

For more information about reinstalling Windows, please access the Microsoft Support Page.


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